Taken directly from DEFRA:
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Declaration of Avian Influenza Prevention Zone
(East of England) – mandatory biosecurity
measures including housing measures
1. The Secretary of State has carried out a risk assessment under article 6(1) of
the Avian Influenza and Influenza of Avian Origin in Mammals (England) (No
2) Order 20061 as amended (“the Order”).
2. To reduce the risk of the transmission of avian influenza to poultry and other
captive birds from wild birds or any other source, the Secretary of State
considers it necessary to declare, and hereby declares, the area comprising
certain counties and unitary authorities in England (as set out in Schedule 7
to this declaration) to be an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone.
3. All keepers of poultry and other captive birds, including pet birds in the Avian
Influenza Prevention Zone must comply with the minimum biosecurity
measures set out in Schedule 1 to this declaration (subject to paragraphs 7,
8 and 9 below).
4. All keepers who keep 500 or more poultry or other captive birds in
premises in any part of the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone must comply
with the measures in Schedule 1 and in addition comply with the
measures in Schedule 2 to this declaration (subject to the following
5. The requirements in Schedule 2 do not apply in relation to premises
licensed under the Zoo Licensing Act 1981.
6. All keepers of poultry and other captive birds must in addition comply with the
measures set out in Schedule 3 to this declaration in the Avian Influenza
Prevention Zone.
7. A keeper of poultry or other captive birds at a premises licensed under the Zoo
Licensing Act 1981, is not required to apply the measures in Schedule 3 to this
declaration at those premises if they instead comply with the measures in
Schedule 4 in the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone.
8. The provisions in Schedule 5 to this declaration apply in the Avian Influenza
Prevention Zone to all keepers of racing pigeons, doves or other
9. The provisions of Schedule 6 to this declaration apply in the Avian Influenza
Prevention Zone to all keepers of birds of prey or other birds trained to fly from
hand or under close control in the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone.
10. The measures in this declaration will apply from 12.00 on 23 December 2024
and shall remain in force until it is amended or revoked by further declaration.2
11. This declaration revokes the declaration of an avian influenza prevention zone
– mandatory biosecurity measures made at 14.30 on 13 December from
12.00 on 23 December 2024.
12. This declaration is made under article 6(1)(a)of the Order.
Gordon Hickman
18.15 on 20 December 2024
Authorised by the Secretary of State
Copies of this Declaration and of the Order are available via
https://www.gov.uk/guidance/avian-influenza-bird-flu and from the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2nd floor, Seacole Block, 2 Marsham Street,
Failure to comply with this Declaration may be an offence under section 73 of
the Animal Health Act 1981.
1 S.I. 2006/2702 (as amended)